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Assign a user a color

Assigning a colour per user to easily see their tasks

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

You can assign a color per user which makes viewing and assigning tasks fun and easy.

Within the Collector Tasks tab, you can assign a user to any task by clicking the circle on the right hand side of the task and assigning a user. A colour will automatically be chosen.

To change the color for each user, click your business name in the top left hand side, click Users & Permissions, click the three dots on the right hand side of the users name and click Edit user details. Only Admins will have the permission to change the colors.

From there, you can choose any color you'd like. To find a list of all colors on the color chart, search color chart online and you'll be able to find the exact colors you'd like. Copy and paste the # into Kolleno and click Save.

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