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Workflow settings

How the settings in a workflow work

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Written by Kolleno Support
Updated over a year ago

The workflow settings are comprised of three essential segments:

  1. When the workflow will start

  2. Pause a step

  3. Stop conditions

When should this workflow start

It is advisable to configure workflows to initiate daily. This ensures seamless integration of any new customers who are invoiced throughout the month into the workflow.

Additionally, workflows can be scheduled to recommence a few days after their conclusion. For example, if a workflow operates over a span of 10 days, it can be set to restart 4 days subsequent to its completion. This delay allows for a brief intermission before the workflow resumes.

Pause a step

It is as important to know when not to communicate to a customer as when to communicate with them.
To that end Kolleno has smart settings which allow you to tailor a workflow to not send communication. Pause a step functions by looking at specific criteria, and if met, we will not communicate with a customer as per your config. Once the criteria expires, then communication will continue at the specific step in the workflow where paused.

  1. The Promise to Pay feature allows you to pause communications with customers who have committed to payment.

    1. You can also refine this feature to exclude specific invoices under a promise to pay from communications, streamlining your workflow for efficiency and effectiveness.

  2. Based on communication sent or received, this feature prevents customers from receiving multiple emails in a single day.

    1. For instance, if there has already been an interaction with a customer on a different matter, immediately sending another email could reveal the automated nature of the message.

    2. By customising the workflow to temporarily pause if any communication has been sent or received within a specified number of days, you can maintain the perception of personalised and thoughtful email correspondence, thereby enhancing the customer's experience and engagement.

Stop conditions

Kolleno can stop all steps in a workflow if a customer meets specific criteria such as sending emails to yourself or making payment. Setup as per your requirements.

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