If you need to show the total balance per currency of all the invoices belonging to a customer, this guide will show you how.
Let's imagine this scenario where the customer has 3 invoices:
USD 99 overdue by 5 days
GBP 5 overdue by 10 days
GBP 3 overdue by 12 days
You can use this code:
{% balances_per_currency customer as balances_list %}
The balances per currency:
{% for elem in balances_list %}
- {{elem.currency.iso}} {{elem.balance}}
{% endfor %}
What are we seeing?
1) The function is balances_per_currency. We assign it to the current Customer and name the list it outputs as balances_list.
2) We loop through it, where every element of the list will be call elem.
3) For every element, we print the currency ISO and balance,
In the example above, it will output:
The balances per currency:
USD 99.00
GBP 8.00
The list is ordered by descending balance.