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Payment Method Priority - Automatic Charging
Payment Method Priority - Automatic Charging
Ron Danenberg avatar
Written by Ron Danenberg
Updated over a week ago

Within the Kolleno system, it is possible to store multiple payment methods on a customer. Both Card Details & Direct Debit Details.

Which method of payment?

In the instance of using automated payments via two payment service providers, such as Stripe or GoCardless, you will first need to define on the Customer which method should be used as a preferred: Card or Direct Debit.

What happens when there are multiple payment methods?

When it comes to a Customer having multiple payment methods stored such as multiple direct debit mandates, the following logic will apply when it comes to automatically charging a customer:

  1. Kolleno will use the method that is marked as preferred on Kolleno.

  2. If no method is marked as preferred then it will use the one that was created last.

  3. If one method is cancelled then the next most recently added payment method will be used.

  4. The payment will only be created once, even if you have more than one method available.

  5. However, the way that Kolleno schedules the payment is in advanced, it will not disrupt the payment if a new method is added.

Please note:

a) For GoCardless, Kolleno looks for a mandate with a currency matching the invoice getting paid.

b) If you had to cancel the mandate in GoCardless for instance, it will reflect on Kolleno and the active mandate will be used.

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