About Portfolios:
Portfolios enable you to split your clients up into different groups to help manage and sort them throughout your Kolleno system. Portfolios can also sort your customers into groups and assign those different groups to specific users in the system.
In order to activate this feature you need to navigate to the "Users and Permissions" section in Kolleno.
If you have not set up customer portfolios please follow the link here for the steps to set them up.
Restrict users to only see customers in their assigned portfolio
You can toggle on the "Restrict users to only see the portfolios they are a part of":
What will this toggle do?
By toggling this on users will:
Only be able to see the customers from the portfolio they are assigned to
Only be able to see the invoices from the customers in the portfolio they are assigned
Only view tasks and reminders from the customers in the portfolio they are assigned
See Dashboard view displaying information on the customers they are assigned to