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Unassigned communications

This article will explain what classifies an unassigned communication and how to assign them to a specific customer.

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Written by Kolleno Support
Updated over a year ago

Some communications when received cannot be immediately assigned to a customer – these are your unassigned communications.

What causes a communication to be unassigned?

There are a few circumstances that can cause a communication to be unassigned;

  • An email that is received from an unrecognized contact.

  • An email that has been forwarded more than 3 times.

  • An inbound phone call/ SMS from a number not associated with a customer.

How to view your unassigned communications?

Tasks Manager > Tasks Tab > Unassigned Communications Tab

How to assign a communication?

  1. Select your unassigned communication in the left hand panel

2. At the top of your screen type in the customer this communication relates to and assign. This will add the communication to the customers timeline and remove it from unassigned communications.

How to delete unassigned communications?

Select the Delete all button at the top left.

To delete a singular communication

select the communication and choose delete

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